Friday, February 22, 2008

Farmer's Market, Houston Food Blog and Vegetarian Dining

2 weekss ago Andrew & I went by the Houston Bayou City Farmers Market, unfortunately we came late and had no cash! Check out their website, this market happens every Saturday morning. They had lots of fresh veggies/fruits, eggs, honey, coffee, artisan breads and much, much more! They also had a stall full of yummy prepared Indian foods. Here is another Farmers Market that occurs Tuesday afternoon in the Rice Stadium parking lot and Saturday morning in the Heights. And last but not least is the market that happens in Midtown in Monica Pope's restaurant t'afia's parking lot on Saturday morning.

Whilst on the subject of food I have never introduced you guys to a local Houston food blog - Food in Houston. Although he reviews some restaurants that are wayyyy out of my price range, he does like to explore ethnic dives which tend to be more on the cheap side!

I'm about to go eat at Quan Yin, they specialize in faking meat, here is their motto:

Beyond your imagination.

We provide foods for your healthy life

Tastes like chicken, and chews like beef.


But it's not.

There are no animal products, no eggs and no seafood in our products.

Soy products and wheat gluten are the primary ingredients other than meat

For the people who are vegetarians

And also for those who are not

You'll find out how interesting it is while dining at Quan Yin

Surely, you will enjoy our food with a big surprise.

Visit Quan Yin

And it's delicious!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Go see...

This week's date night included an outing to the Angie to see this movie:

And hitting up Micky D's afterwards for a Happy Meal and Parfait! :)